Keto is a hot topic nowadays, and not without reason: the diet has proven extremely effective for weight loss and is sometimes even used to treat certain diseases. However, the usual keto nutrition plan includes foods with high-fat content and almost eliminates carbs, which is a pretty drastic change in eating habits for most people. Hence, jumping head-on into this diet isn’t the wisest decision: instead, let’s see some expert recommendations for properly preparing for it beforehand.
1. Consult with a medical professional
Keto requirements are quite specific and thus might not be compatible with you if you have some health conditions that require eating a specific diet. Consulting with your health provider will ensure that your body is safe – they might offer some advice to make your nutrition plan more suitable for your circumstances and avoid any nutrient deficiencies.
2. Study which foods to eat and which to avoid
Despite the popularity of keto, some misconceptions still persist. For example, a popular opinion is that you can consume high-protein foods without restraint: however, this diet offers you only moderate amounts of this nutrient. Thoroughly check the requirements of the keto diet to ensure that you know everything about what should lie on your plate before actually starting!
3. Calculate the amount of calories you should eat
Despite the widespread belief that keto allows you to consume as much food as you wish, your weight loss goals still depend on the calorie deficit you create. Hence, calculate your daily calorie need and create meal plans depending on it. Thankfully, feeling hungry isn’t a big problem on keto since this diet is quite filling.
4. Research the potential side effects
Venturing into the unknown without researching it first might lead to unpleasant surprises. When your body enters ketosis, you might experience flu-like symptoms that include fatigue, dizziness, and headache. Being prepared for them will help you choose a convenient time to go through them and avoid abandoning your diet before reaching your goals.
5. Choose healthy fats
Keto is based on eating fatty foods – but not all fats are good for your body. Though this diet even allows you to enjoy some fast food from time to time, to improve your health, you need to choose products wisely. Avocados, fish, and nuts are on the list of foods that contain a lot of healthy unsaturated fats, benefitting your body immensely.
6. Search for healthy keto recipes
Keto principles are quite restrictive, which means that often you will have to cook by yourself to ensure that your meals correspond to your needs and are healthy. Thankfully, the Internet offers a plethora of tasty and keto-friendly recipes, many of which are quite easy to prepare – even for inexperienced cooks or use Keto meal planning app.
7. Prepare to drink water regularly
The changes in your body during keto mean that you lose water quickly – and replenishing it in time is vital for proper functioning. Start your day with a glass of fresh water and set reminders on your phone to ensure that you are staying hydrated.
8. Discuss the changes with your family
Starting keto often means that you now have to cook separately. Talk about these changes with your family members, explaining your restrictions and goals. This approach will help you avoid unnecessary temptations and ensure that your loved ones have your back.
9. Start limiting carbs slowly
Abruptly cutting off carbs from your ration can create additional stress for your organism. Furthermore, such a change doesn’t help in getting used to the new nutrition plan, increasing cravings. Hence, start preparing beforehand, slowly lowering the amount of carbs in your meals to make the transition process easier.
10. Decide what to do after keto
Not everyone can live on keto for long periods of time. However, suppose you plan to use it for a few months to lower your weight and improve your health. In that case, you should also prepare beforehand for transitioning to more traditional eating plans without losing your progress.
11. Take a look at specialized apps
Modern technology can make practically anything easier – and keto isn’t an exception. There are various apps that create suitable meal plans and keep a stable routine to help you reach your weight goals. Losing or maintaining weight has never been as easy as today – so don’t hesitate and use this opportunity.
In conclusion, though some of the keto standards seem challenging, if you’ll prepare beforehand you’ll find out that this diet isn’t difficult. In fact, it might be much more effective and easy than various low-fat diets, which are usually accompanied by constant feeling of hunger. As the saying goes, better safe than sorry: keto can do wonders for your weight loss goals with proper handling. Research the specifics of this diet, consult with a dietitian, and prepare some meal plans before starting, and the results will be much more impressive!